Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What do you pack for an 8 week trip?

Yesterday I wrote the top ten most asked questions. Eric reminded me of a few more we get quite a lot.

1. (to Chrissy only) Are you going to do any sewing while you are there?

Probably not. I am not a hand sewing kind of gal. And I am not dragging all my stuff with me. So unless I take a class that has all the stuff then, no.

But I will probably doing some knitting or crochet. They are great time passers when waiting in airports and train stations. And YES there will be great wool and such to buy there.

2. What do you pack for an 8 week trip? With a 7 year old? Are you bringing a bunch of toys?

The easy one first. No we are not bringing a bunch of toys. She can bring 5 toys. And I am steering her towards the acceptable ones. She will live, we will find things to do. We will bring books that we can donate to Oxfam or somewhere and buy new ones over there.

What else do we bring?
Well we each get one (1) suitcase to check and whatever carry ons we are willing to individually carry. I am taking a messenger bag and a backpack. Marion is taking her big school backpack and Eric is taking his messenger bag and perhaps a backpack.

M's Suitcase and some packing bags. 
We have to keep in mind we have to have luggage small enough to manage on side trips. Marion and I will share her small suitcase and take our backpacks when we go to London and Paris and that is it. I have learned over the years to travel light.

Another thing to consider is the weather. It is currently 54 and rainy in Edinburgh. It may not get over 70 the whole time we are there. And we hope to make it to places even further north. But we will be in London & Paris at the end of June and early July where it will be warm and possibly even hot! But still somewhat unpredictable. Eric will be in Trieste Italy, where it is warm, while we are in London & Paris with Grandma and Grandpa.  So we all need clothes with layers and options.

We have decided we will not waste valuable space on stuff we can buy there. Shampoo, sun screen, etc... will all be bought there. It will give us a fun errand when we get there and drugstore brand stuff costs about the same there and we will be there long enough to use it up. Essentials only! Prescriptions, deodorant & toothpaste and maybe a bar of soap. But that's it!

Additionally we will have a duffle bag as one of our checked bags. Gives you more room for less weight than a traditional suitcase. We use packing bags which is helpful. They make you really think about what you are bringing and keeps things more organized.

I am really glad that kiddo is almost 8. There are many things I am glad we do not have to bring such as a stroller, diaper bag, car seat etc... I am thankful she weill be able to carry her own stuff for the most part.

Tomorrow, more packing tips and what actual stuff to bring!

- Chrissy

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