Sunday, July 5, 2015

too much togetherness?

M and I have been in constant company for 10 days. G'ma & G'pa gave me some adults to talk to for a while but we parted ways with them on Thursday. Some friends from home (surprise blog guests) are coming in town Friday and Eric gets back Saturday. So that leaves Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and 90% of the day Friday for M and I to fill on our own. I love my daughter, I really do. But we are bordering on too much togetherness.

Yesterday morning it poured and hailed, so we stayed in our PJs until about 3 pm. We made it out to the playground, where M was disappointed that she did not find anyone to play with. But she was happy to be reacquainted with her beloved playground.

However we were both sad to learn that the giant swing was broken while we were gone.  Now it is just an empty shell which is a little sad. Damed teenagers! Ruin everything.

Then we hit the grocery store. The one really frustrating thing about the grocery store is I always muck up the line. My American credit card has a chip but does not work like the chip and pin is supposed to work. It is annoying and I think the people at Sainsbury's hate me, I may have to switch to Tesco or Scot-Mid or just go back to ordering bloody groceries!

This morning the sky was a beautiful blue from the time I got up until the time we stepped out the door, around 11. As usual we stopped by the playground, I was hoping for just a 20 minute visit. But M found a girl to play with and her parents were lovely to talk to, so we ended up at the playground way longer than anticipated.

At 1:30 we finally hopped on the bus. As we sat down the rain started pouring.

But when we got off at our destination it had stopped raining. We were headed to the Omni Center for lunch and a movie. We ate at Slug & Lettuce. The place is adorable, the food was ok, but they had a lovely kids menu and the drinks menu looked FANTASTIC. I will have to go back there with grown ups. But really there is no shortage of fab bars in Edinburgh, I just have a lack of time to go and people to go with.

We saw The Minion Movie, it was cute and actually pretty funny. The theatre was very nice and assigned seats which always makes things a bit easier.

I have no idea why they have huge giraffe sculptures outside a movie theatre in Scotland, but they are really cute. When the movie let out it was not raining. But 2/3 of the walk home it started pouring. So M is soaking in a bubble bath to warm up as I write this. The weather in Scotland is ever changing so always bring your rain jacket and a scarf at the least.

One thing I find hard about summer no matter where we are is the lack of schedule. We have no where we have to be and nothing in particular we have to do. I am terrible about eating and going to bed when there are no constraints on my schedule. I really need to get better about it, but I have been saying that for years. Without E's influence M & I would be like feral cats and only wander in once in a while.

We hope you had a fun forth of July, was a quite regular old day here. We come home in 21 days! We are going to have fun while we are still here but I am starting to look forward to going home. 

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