Friday, June 12, 2015

Lazy Days of Summer can happen anywhere

Thursday we lounged in the park all afternoon near the Pavilion Cafe. Which is vegetarian and lovely. M had 2 cones of mango sorbet and played in the "secret" playground. Said "secret" playground consisted of a tire swing (would be spelled tyre here), a weird swingy chair, a bunch of stumps and a rag tag band of kids. There were lots of people some would call "hippies" hanging out around the cafe. The children there seemed a little feral, but in a fun way. I guess that is who is attracted to a vegetarian cafe in the middle of a park on a sunny day in Scotland.

We laid in the grass. We read books. We said hi to babies who toddled over to us. M disappeared into the "secret" kid lair now and then. When the cafe closed we went home. But now I know it's there and I have a feeling we will be back.

Friday was M's yes day. We had grand plans to take the bus to a new destination. We packed up and were ready to go. On the way to the bus stop, "Mama. can we stop at the playground on the way out?"
I had to say, "YES".

We were there about 20 minutes and then suddenly every kid her age who lives in Edinburgh showed up.

She was in awe, and determined to make a friend.

She tried a few different tactics. I am not sure how she finally did it but she found a friend. We will call her IB. The two of them followed each other around for hours. In the end I finally met her mum b/c IB was stuck in a tree and M had gone and summoned her.

Sadly IB and her Mum had to leave. We gave them our names and my email. Will they get in touch? Maybe? I hope they do. M & IB have grand plans to play and to be pen pals. We travel a fair bit and sometimes we make connections with people. Sometimes they last and sometimes they just become fond memories of fun afternoons spent with the people of the place where we happen to be.

We never made it to our original destination. We let the day take us where it wanted us to go. Maybe M & IB were meant to meet. Maybe not? But we are enjoying our chance encounters with the people of Edinburgh. 

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